Sunday, 4 August 2013

Migraine Misfit

Today was awful. I woke up with the worst migraine in about 3 years. I did go out last night and have a few drinks, but far, far less than I've done before so I knew this was not a hangover type headache. The quality of migraine pain is extremely specific. It's hell on earth.  Some worse than others...this one was painful beyond description. 14 hours later, I am feeling better, enough to eat a bit of food, keep fluids down...keep pain medication down. Now...I have "migraine hangover"...something other "migraneurs" would understand.

Today, despite the incredible pain and nausea there was something more important than self pity and ice packs to concern myself with. My dog Hamish, having recently been diagnosed as diabetic, needed me to function early in the morning. He needed to eat, he needed insulin. So, I dragged myself up and did what was needed for his well being and health. Then...I collapsed on the sofa and didn't move for hours. The pain was so bad I was non-verbal, that's a first in ages.

When I woke up, each and every time throughout a day of pain that I woke up, Hamish was by my side, cuddling me. We take care of each other he and I. There is a bond between human and dog unlike any other. We cannot converse, yet we understand when each other are in pain. This morning, Hamish was more important than my pain and he sat by me through my sickness and pain, all day.

Today's photo is for Hamish, it's one I took yesterday while we were out walking. For me and my husband, there is nothing we would not do for him. He repays us with the kind of love only a dog can provide. He's our "baby". Dog lovers know...they understand.

Tomorrow will be the start of new, uniquely posted only here, photos...hang in there kids...I'm just getting started.

Have a wonderful evening...I need to go back to bed.

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