Saturday, 3 August 2013

Do Overs and Other Beginnings, or Rather...Hello Day One...Nice to See You Again

About two months ago I began a blog specifically on photography to track my skills through the course of 365 days. 365 projects are not unique, photography is full of them. The blog I began was to force me out into the world on a daily basis, no matter what, to take photos, edit them as necessary and desired and to post them in the blog. Over the course of that 365 days, I was hoping to see a gradual but visible improvement of my photography and editing skills. I was seeking to create a goal and see it through to completion. I failed.

The last two months as it turned out, were not months that provided a smooth flow of work. These last weeks have been filled with sadness, worry, doubt, excitement, fear and self-questioning. My dog became very ill, I was going through some medical procedures (still am actually) and I was trying to gain my British driver's license. I kept pushing my blog away because it wasn't mandatory and I justified ignoring it due to what was going on in my life. I missed the whole point of a daily blog.

So now, again, I begin a 365 day project but this time with a bit more forgiveness of myself and ALSO a lot more ass kicking of myself. In other words, there shall be NO excuses. I hope not to fail

Some might say, why not just continue with the other blog, just keep posting there, why a new blog? The simplest way I can answer that is to say that I do not like sloppy work. I don't like calling something "daily" if I can only see sporadic episodes of activity. I need a clean slate, thus a new and hopefully improved blog. Yeah, I'm insane and don't forget, very type-A. 

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill 

Here we go, begin anew. This time I will tell you, gentle and forgiving readers, that this blog will work daily. My format will not change. I will write a bit, quote a bit and post a photo. I may add a post appropriate clip art for your entertainment. I endeavor to present new photos -  fresh out of the camera and onto the "page" - taken the same day the blog post is written. You there, stop laughing! The goal is to use this blog as both a journal and a training ground. Re-training myself to follow through, to learn, to grow, and to improve

My photography is a reflection of how I see the world and how I see my self. The end result of my work is often moody and dark, sometimes it's bright and "happy"; it all depends. My photos are a bit like a mood ring. I have a peculiar eye photographically and I do not believe in nor follow rules. I simply do as I please. You can love it, hate it or not care about it, but it's my work. Any "likes" of my work, to use a horrible term of the day, made popular by a certain social networking site, are always, always valued and appreciated. I don't pay to popularize my posts. I don't go around begging for people to notice me. I'm here and you are welcome to visit, view, like, hate or comment.  

I'm going to shut the fuck up now and post a photo. I've posted this elsewhere today but I rather like it so it's gonna be here too. I was out walking my dog this morning when I noticed these neat-o mushrooms growing. I got down on my belly, on morning-wet grass, as ya do, and proceeded to take about 40 or so photos of these little fungi. Pictures from all angles. Consider yourself lucky, you only have to see the one. 

I love macro photography the most. I could wax philosophic about why...I'm doing it in my head as I type. Was going to spare you but here goes a bit of the why; macro photography captures things up close, where they cannot hide, where their detail stands out. It freezes the information in the item for all to see. These little mushrooms might have gone unnoticed by most people but I saw them from 10 feet away and I knew I'd be on the wet grass before long, taking their photos. I present them here, up close and personal, for you to see. I do this because perhaps you are one of those people who never sees the small, fine details of the living world. A photographer, whether good or bad, sees the world differently. We see the things most people pass on by. I'm here to show you, my perspective of this amazing world. 

Aren't you lucky?! *saaaarcasm*

Have a wonderful weekend you little monkeys...enjoy the photo. Let it remind you to open your eyes. There is so much life to see here.

For more of my photos, please visit me at:

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